Monday 23 January 2017

Tooth Zine

One of my main interests is poetry and because writing and reading poems is something I find really interesting in fact, I thought it would be fun to create a poetry zine. I contacted different friends I've made who I thought might be interested in this and then asked for contributions. The outcome has a 60s punk feel which I thought could work with the fact we're all students. I hoped to make it almost a rebellion against order and give true insight into the feelings of young people today. Tooth is something I want to carry forward in the future and expand to many different young authors.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Amid Exhibition by Shaeron Caton-Rose

16th January 2017

This exhibition was about two faith communities, communicated through illustrations and installations. Although I am not religious myself, this was an incredibly tranquil and peaceful collection to look at.

One of the pieces I thought was most interesting was a collection of found boxes with lettering inside, which can only be read by the mirror in the lid. In the medieval period, pilgrims often took mirrored boxes in order to be able to see the shrines from behind a huge crowd, they also believed it would capture the essence of the shrine which they could take home with them. A Gutenberg typeface has been used as he originally manufactured relic mirrors.

 Another part of the exhibition I connected with was a room called 'Swash.' This was a video projection of a wave moving forward. Caton-Rose suggests that 'a constructive wave has a stronger swash than its backwash', perhaps signifying that the viewer should be moving forward. The experience of watching and listening to the wave was very peaceful; the contentment from something so simple was really inspiring. By having a moving piece projected onto all the surrounding walls it felt like the waves were washing away the viewer.