Wednesday 11 October 2017

Summer 2017 Design Inspiration

One of the first things I did over summer was to visit Edinburgh, which was rich with inspirational culture and is famous for its arts scene. A particular part of the trip that intrigued me was when we visited the Royal Botanical Garden, which was full of meticulously arranged plant life and beautiful stonework. Whilst walking round I realised that the peaceful atmosphere was perfect and I wanted something similar for my future. These gardens were rooted with a strong design foundation and I began to wonder if designing for public leisure areas would suite me.

I was similarly inspired after visiting several galleries in Penzance, such as the Newlyn Art gallery, the Exchange gallery and the Tate in St Ives. The art was beautiful but my main focus began to be the curation and design of the galleries. I pride myself on being a creative thinker and love to share ideas and solutions, so perhaps a role in design organisation might be something I look for in the future.

After working all Summer at a place called 'Falafel and Friends' it spurred a quick motivation in me for a carer that wasn't in catering. After working this very physically demanding job, with strict, unwavering management, I realised I wanted a future in an unregimented setting. It gave me strong motivation to begin designing again with full force! I started reading more graphic design books and the experience made me fully appreciate and reflect on how fortunate I am to have potential future in something so exciting.

A final experience that influenced me over summer was talking with a merch producer at Indietracks festival, who was particularly involved with one of my favourite bands. This was important as it involved networking with a graphic designer and discussing the reasoning behind design that is important to me. It proved that connections can be made in any situation and should always be sort out.