Friday 2 November 2018

Norwich Beer Festival Logo Design

6B2 - Networking.

6D2 - A good social media opportunity, people were talking about my work and were lead to my social media. Also gave me a reputation in Norwich circles for further freelance design work. It involved professional back and forth with the organisers of the festival and the social media officer.

As part of a project last year, I submitted a logo design for Norwich Beer Festival and won the competition. As a result of this, the festival printed the design on glasses, badges, t-shirts, brochures and other memorabilia. Attending this was an interesting opportunity for networking, many people were interested in the logo and it lead to conversations about design work.

This was a privileged to be a part of, the beer festival is something that most people in Norwich know of. Many people collect the glasses year on year and it's interesting to think that my work may be preserved in this way for years to come. Walking into the festival was also a driving experience, seeing the glasses being held by masses of people was exciting. It felt like a massive achievement and it made me want to have my work printed and produced on a big scale again. In the future I hope to enter more competitions and potentially do work for festivals like this.

General coverage of the event:

Because the festival is quite popular in Norwich, there was some local and digital coverage of the event. This meant that more people were linked to my design account and I felt a general motivating sense of achievement.

Local newspaper coverage
Norwich beer festival Instagram account

Glug Leeds - 'What I Wish I'd Never Known' 27.9.18

6A2 - This included experiencing talks from designers, specifically aimed at aspiring students.

6B2 - Specifically attending a networking event and talking to designers from the local area.

Glug Leeds is a movement that runs a series of talks and networking events for creatives around Leeds. I attended this wanting to gain practice in socialising with graphic designers and to hear some advice directly aimed for creatives just starting out. The talks heavily focused on pitfalls to avoid and routes into design. One thing that I took away was that enthusiasm and taking opportunities is incredibly important in pursuing a creative career.

Andrew Brown - Brass Agency

  • When you're trying to find a solution to a problem, think of what want to create and make it fit. Think left field and it will come easier.
  • Ordinary people can be successful if they have drive.
  • Don't try to be something, just be it. Creativty is in your bones, you're hungry for it. People who have success are constantly doing things, not waiting for things to come to them.
  • 'What you shouldn't know is the destination.' 

Jonny Ridout - Freelance Sound Engineer

  • Is a house engineer for Hyde Park Picture House and Headrow House among others.
  • Experience is your worth, not your qualifications.
  • Take advantages of opportunities.
  • It's not what you know, it's who you know. Personal relationships are as important as networking.
  • Took help from the Princess Trust to gain funding for something he wanted to pursue - videography.
  • Shadow people until you know you're at a standard you can charge for.
  • Charge according to who the client is.

Simon Forster - Robot Food 

  • A strategic branding agency.
  • Robot Food created clients and did work to illustrate their experience.
  • Experience is everything, although determination is more valuable than experience.
  • Take any risk, even if you've never done it before.
  • Naivety in the industry just means you have a fresh perspective. 
  • Instead of applying for competitions they chose to work and brand for health and beauty. In particular Electric Ink, which was a cosmetic brand for people with tattoos.
  • You can't make it on your own!