Tuesday 20 March 2018

OUGD503 Evaluation

During this module I have learnt several technical skills and have developed my ability to make a full body production.

In the first brief I learnt skills in binding and composition, even though I didn't carry binding forward it was important to develop my understanding of this. In fact a big aspect of this brief was learning to break the boundaries and not do a bind, despite what the brief specified. This was to take a unique approach and do what would create the best design. The collaboration in this project also when well, I found it a good challenge to be asked to design something different from my usual style or interest. We worked well as partners too, giving advice and providing any necessary elements to improve the other's work. Collaboration is something I would like to do more of in the future.

The second brief was something I had never done before, which made it a completely new experience. I really enjoyed it though, despite my initial reservations. By learning how to animate the app in Photoshop I will be able to carry those skills forward in limitless ways. Something I've wanted to do for a while is start making animations so hopefully this will be the beginning of many more to come. With this brief I also took quite an usual approach, involving a projection and an ambitious dystopian aesthetic. This however is something I've truly enjoyed and find it much more satisfying then making something that would be used sensibly and traditionally. This is something I may need to think about though as after this degree it's important to have skills in 'real world' design, that is in some respects focused around commerce and popularity.

Something that has been particularly important and influential in this module is the visiting speakers, which have really inspired my design and aided my growth as a designer. By seeing work that is clean, fresh and the peak of that field it can be incredibly motivating. The Village Bookstore talk was definitely one of the most inspiring lectures I've seen, and has encouraged me further to work on my own zines and to approach them from fresh perspectives.
Finally it is important to consider that I have not been entirely organised on time management throughout this project. However it has improved dramatically since last year and I hope to continue improving this work ethic.

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