Sunday 14 January 2018

Greta Madline Skype Call

When Greta left university she had no idea what she wanted to do so she traveled around and created her own path. She eventually came to work at the Kennedys design studio, which has amazing people and amazing projects. She even has her own fashion brand and says you should start up whatever you're passionate about.

  • Spend university experimenting/doing what you love.
  • Always apply to jobs you want repeatedly in unique ways.
  • Always look for collaborations/friends within the industry and keep up constant communication.
  • Trust your gut feeling 'you do you'.
  • Your interest can be infectious to a client so make sure you're passionate.
  • Work as if you know the client, keep it personal. 
  • Share all of your work and talk about it as much as possible.
  • It's good to stand your guard and stand alone.
  • You don't have to be one thing - explore different mediums.
  • Question everyone - if you feel like its the right thing to do then go against advice.
  • Be silly! Explore crazy ideas.
  • Don't be an ass and relax a bit.
  • In every project look for a personality.
  • With hard work and persistence will pay off. 
Hearing Greta Madline's story has really inspired me to give design my all and start looking for collaborations is every way possible.

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