Saturday 26 January 2019

Visioning - 9.11.18


A picture of what success looks like at a particular point in the future, described with enough richness of detail so that you know when you've arrived.

Inspiring, detailed, documented, communicated and a little scary. Your vision allows you to inform you actions and to define success on your terms.

'A vision without execution is a hallucination' - Thomas Edison 

You can break a vision, however big, into smaller, meaningful actions and tasks.
  1. 5-10 years in the future.
  2. Start by date
  3. Present tense
  4. Ideal life
  5. Professional and personal life
  6. Everything that defines success
Visioning Statement

The date is 2023 and I am living in my own house, with a potential partner and a cat. We have a two bed house with large windows and a big garden which I work in weekly. All of my crockery is mismatched and from charity shops. I have a cat which has a happy life. For dinner we cook vegetarian meals and I've finally figured out how to cook tofu.

I am living in a creative city with lots of green spaces and I have a job branding museums and galleries and coming up with creative solutions for getting people involved with the exhibitions. Sometimes I take freelance work from creatives around the city and I am selective with the work I take on. I am living off a reasonable wage that means I can go on holiday occasionally.

I am proficient in Photoshop at this point (which has previously been a weakness) although I have branched away from Adobe and have investigated other, more affordable graphics software. I am an advocate for some other type of independent program.

I have also written my own novel and it's being published by a well known publishing house. In addition to this I have also made several fairly successful storybooks which I have illustrated too.

  • Every day counts - even days off are to recharge.
  • Needs: 3 priorities for the day, 3 for the week and 3 wins for the week.
  • Adding a monetary value to work to bank it in.
  • It's very difficult to ingrain something as a habbit.
  • Simplicity and consistency = productivity  
  • Don't try to change everything overnight.
  • Annual Goals.
  • Prioritising the right things.
Focus Techniques:
  • Hold app and 52/17 app
  • Pomodoro - 25 minute burst, 5 min break, each 4th cycle takes a 15 min break.
  • Eat the frog, start the day with the most daunting task.
  • Marinara - Chrome plugin 
Task - The 4 stage plan:
  1. Annual Goals (end of year)
  2. Set goals for each term
  3. Create an hourly plan for next week.
  4. A productivity tool to help focus.
1. Annual Goals
  • Get a 1st.
  • Have a portfolio I'm proud of.
  • Have a job lined up to go into.
2. Term Goals
  • Finish my cop project within reasonable time.
  • Look into internships.
  • Complete a personal zine.
3. Weekly goals
  • Cop essay introduction.
  • 2 x magazines researched
  • Update blog.

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