Thursday 7 February 2019

Protest Press Workshop


Protest Press is a collective of recently graduated women who run hands-on workshops to engage in a conversation about powerful activism and positive change.

For part of this workshop we were grouped together to formulate activist statements and quickly build on each other ideas. This worked well and meant the group was highly engaged and communicating with each other. We then made posters using just strips of paper to communicate our idea - ours was to have the words 'I'm Okay' but with 'Not' written behind it to reflect the mounting stress of University.

I felt inspired by Protest Press' practice and their discussion of their own inspirations - such as the Suffragette movement's communication through coins, 'Do the Green Thing' platform made by Pentagram and 'Me and the EU' by Nathan and Sam Smith. I also liked the fact they're a collective of independent women, as this is not often the case.

Because of my interest, I decided to talk to them after the workshop and ask if they would like to contribute to my feminist publication. They said yes and gave me their business card. This was extremely useful and I got into contact with them accordingly.

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