Tuesday 7 May 2019

Skills Evaluation

Throughout this module I have developed many skills which will help my future career as a designer.

I have learnt skill in communication with professionals and developed methods of contact with them. I know how to construct flattering and persuasive emails and cover letters and organise meeting with designers which could potentially lead to more experience. I am familiarised myself with other avenues of contact, such as sending things in the post. I have designed packs which I will send to studios in future. I have also learnt not be fearful of rejection. This is common part of the industry as it is flooded with people trying to get experience. It has made me realise the importance of being friendly and open in all potential business encounters, just in case there could be future opportunities to be had.

From a bad collaboration my skills in confrontation have developed. The collaboration went incredibly badly and I was messed around a lot. In future circumstances I will first initially establish what the ground rules are and what will be required from me, with a clause stating what will happen if the brief changes. Then if I am asked to do much extra because of miscommunication, I will be more assertive and outline when ‘enough is enough’. This has really improved my confidence skills.

I have learnt methods of projecting where I want to be in my future and strategies which will help me get there. In my case I have decided that I want to be an in-house graphic designer for a museum or gallery, so I have organised a plan which will help me get there.

I have learnt a lot of skills in presenting my work and ensuring that it is consistent. I feel a lot more professional as a designer now and have branding which I feel perfectly reflects me.

Finally, I have learnt skills in networking. From my work experience I established many different relationships with a variety of different practitioners and this has led to future collaborations and pieces of important design advice. From now on I hope to always put myself forward, even in intimidating situations, and forge links with potential clients, collaborators or associates.

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