Saturday 9 February 2019

Time to Get Online - Briefing and Web Clinic

6B2, 6C2, 6D2

'In order to cut it as a creative professional, a personal, studio or collective website is essential. This is an online portfolio and a chance to tell the world what kind of a designer/creative you are. You are required to create a live, functioning site, complete with application of your personal branding, a well curated and presented selection of your work, a clear and engaging bio or mission statement and links to relevant social accounts.The site will be judged on its suitability to your practice, its presentation, effectiveness and design.'

Briefing notes
  • 2 weeks to get personal website live.
  • Due 29.11.18 3pm
  • Need URL
  • Consistent application of personal branding.
  • Curated selection of work - consider 'repackaging' existing work.
  • An engaging bio.
  • Include contact details and relevant socials - recommends custom.
  • All inbound and outbound links must work.
  • Give projects context with intriguing copy. 
  • Focus on text and music.
  • For every project consider an image that will fit with the project. 
Web Clinic 23/11/19
  • Use of images is important - make sure they are clever and refined.
  • Context is important, no need to show everything.
  • The content of the website should constantly be evolving.
  • Think about if you were to remove work - would it loose anything?
  • Prioritise what looks visually best.
  • Consider including a mailto link.
  • Feature the work that represents you best, the opportunities you're going for and who you're trying to impress.

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