Sunday 17 February 2019

Time to Get Online - Class Website Feedback and Personal Evaluation - 7.2.19

Class Feedback:
  • Image quality - play with the edges of the images. Make sure they are big and bold.
  • Image consistency - Have a colour scheme. All images the same within the portfolio by could go into a project which means the colours diverge. 
  • Keep it simple.
  • Mission statement should reflect on website.
  • Have a clear line between how you write about yourself and how you are.
  • Experiment with layout.
  • Homepage should be linked.
  • On Ready Mag you can vote on the best websites on their page - could look at portfolios for reference.
Own Evaluation:
  • It is possible that I have too many varied pieces of work on the website. They have been divided in 'exhibition/event design', 'publication design' and 'illustration work' and by not having a consistent approach this may effect the overall experience. However, the photographs are largely consistent and by dividing the projects into sections it means there is less disruption.
  • The bio of the website is quite general and perhaps more of my own personality needs to be injected into it, whilst still being professional.
  • (need to figure out how to link homepage icon)
  • Perhaps the images could be shot again so that they all have colour backgrounds. This could be useful for instagram account too. By using several consistent colours this could mean the work is more satisfying to look at.
  • In general perhaps the layout is too safe? Although with this website software it is tricky to diverge from this. Could either explore further or look into new software.
Tutor Advice:

Use for reference and make the photography displaying the work varied, creative and thoughtful. By having it all in a simple and obvious layout and background, the designs become repetitive and boring. This should be something that is applied to my Instagram too.

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