Saturday 9 February 2019

Time to Get Online - Photography Studio Session

6C2, 6D2

One of the main pieces of advice given to us for a professional website was to rework and re-photograph the best pieces of design in our portfolio. So a few of us booked out a photography studio and spent the evening photographing our pieces. This took a long time but meant we had a body of photographs that were more professional than previously, and a collection which was far more consistent. This consistency was important for both social media and the website, ensuring the brand was cohesive and allowing the viewers to know what to expect from the brand. 

Some of the pieces were photographed on coloured backgrounds, these were either pink or blue. This gave the brand further character and context and will be good for social media, ensuring the brand has an overall aesthetic. These colours were replicated in my personal branding and on my website. In future I hope to experiment further with different styles of backgrounds, I have some plans to improve my social media by photographing my pieces in unusual and unexpected places.

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