Sunday 24 March 2019

Elevator Pitch, Networking and Submissions


It's import to be able to sell work in a short, concise and engaging way so we did an exercise to refine our ability to talk about our work. These short sales pitches are statements that could be used for my website.

LOOK AGAIN: On the Moors - A children's storybook

What - A beautiful and rich storybook designed to celebrate Yorkshire's Ilkley Moor and to inspire children's imagination.

How - The book used textures that derived from the Moor itself, creating an authentic and immersive experience for children and adults alike.

The statements should be short and snappy but use engaging phrases and emphasis.


  • - can help you find specific emails of designers you'd like to network with.
  • Can use 'verbation' filter on google to find a confirmed email address.
  • Can put all potentials in BCC.
Email tips:
  • Don't make the email rambly 
  • Elevator pitch
  • No uncertain phrases like 'is it okay'
  • Give them a direct action to do
  • A CLEAR ask
  • Offer to buy them a coffee to chat for an hour.
  • Don't be shy about phoning people up.
  • Add an animation or picture on the email
  • Build a relationship with the client 
  • Always message on Instagram early morning their time.
  • Play to what they want
  • Show your commitment and reach out for advice, this may make you stand out.

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