Friday 4 November 2016

Offset lecture 21st October- Marta Veludo

Marta Veludo is a current art director working in Amsterdam. Being the first individual female lecturer, I found her presentation refreshing and inspiring.
Like several of the other talkers, she suggests the best way to design for a brand is to establish the identity of the client beforehand. This can help to create a personality and familiarity which is sometimes lost in commercialism. For example, her work with the band 'Oh Thunder' focused on giving each member an icon or "power." I love this idea, as often a band has a group identity and nothing more, whereas 'Oh Thunder' has achieved both.

Another aspect of Veludo's work is to think of objects from unique angles. For some work she likes to distract herself from an object's original function so you can find true beauty within it. Like in mop heads or gardening mats. 

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