Saturday 5 November 2016

Time Management Task 3rd November

For this task we focused on time management and how we can improve organisation. By focusing on what we want to do, it can become easier to achieve it. 

10 things I want to do with my time:
  • Join the life drawing society 
  • Sleep more
  • Keep on top of work better
  • Do more of my own art, unrelated to course
  • See my family from York
  • Make time for reading 
  • Go jogging
  • Self publish a zine
  • Get more piercings
  • Meet new people 
Seeing the hours laid out in the timetables we made, showed how we can get our work done sooner and have time for what we want to do. However, I would say it can be very hard to follow a structure like this and is perhaps better as motivation than direction.

Displaying DSC_1653.JPG

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