Tuesday 1 November 2016

East Street Arts- Print Workshop 14th October 2016

East Street Arts has opened a new printing hub in Leeds, which had its opening night on the 14th October.
The building's paintwork has used simplistic block style, with soft complimentary colour. This design could be to intrigue creative people but is simple enough to not alienate or intimidate.

The workshop was in fact buzzing with Leed's creatives, with prints and sculptures interspersed between them on display.The workshop will contain facilities for screen printing, intaglio, linocut, bookbinding and other print techniques.

On display was Jane Warton's zines, containing colleges and prints. Although these were made with simple black and white photocopying, the unique designs became accessible and shone through the pages. The florescent outer cover was eye catching and felt nicely juxtaposed to the grey tones within. Seeing work presented like this, made me inspired to compile some of my own work.

 Another interesting element was this wall of simplistic illustrations, some of which were overlapped on perspex and thin tissue. Seeing this composed was my favourite aspect of the studio, it felt vibrant and reflective of the busy environment. It was only afterwards that I realised the designs were probably part of the workshop, and felt so diverse and natural because they were experiments.

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