Saturday 5 November 2016

Offset lecture 22nd October- Droga5

Droga5 is a creative advertising industry run by Felix Richter and Alexander Nowak. Their presentation was direct and useful for advice, but also had a gentle and modest approach.
Something they communicated was that advertising is all about the talk and how successful a pitch can be. They suggest that prototypes are incredibly important, can save time and offer clients a reason to trust the designer's judgement.
They frankly admitted that "people don't love ads" as they are seen to be too commercial and purpose driven. They have bypassed this by always aiming to have a vague or complex element within their work, as it is usually what draws most success. It is also often the hardest to integrate. For example, in their 'Under Armour' ad with Micheal Phelps, there is a fleeting moment which breaks from the training shots, to look out onto a leaf covered pool. This delicate scene, filmed from the window, is very unusual yet gives some elegance to the ad. Richter and Nowak believe it doesn't all have to make sense, as life is just as unpredictable. To give people a sense of wonder watching an ad is far more powerful that giving them knowledge. As we grow from children, life is about discovery and momentary cases of wonder are very well received. Despite the difficulty in making this work in a short ad, when done effectively it can create far more interest in the idea.

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