Wednesday 23 November 2016

Radim Malinic- Brand Nu

Radim Malinic is current graphic designer and creative director based in London. He had some advice for working within the graphics industry and breaking off as a freelancer.

Process 101:

Search: Every brief you should ask as many questions as possible in order to understand fully what you are creating. There is a difference between want and need, often you should further what the client wants if you think you can better it.

Direction: Make sure your work is opposite to the obvious, try not to develop you immediate solution. You should always prob from every direction, and have near 25 versions of your design.

Skills and Knowledge: Should always have far more skills than your own practice and pay attention to what's possible and what's around you. For example, Malinic created a piece of music called 'Nour' by overlaying recordings from Uganda. It is also important to think about how what your designing fits in with the world.

Information: Its important to have understanding about science and history for the work to have depth and culture. Could download podcasts to listen to whilst working in order to derive meaning.

Meaning: You should always fundamentally be designing for yourself and progress and develop your work. In fact it is important to have real connects and effect individuals with your work- not online followers.

Making Ideas Happen: Sometimes we are too subscribed to other people's thoughts- is important to separate yourself from that and to have a personal outlet.

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