Tuesday 15 May 2018

Creative Report - Visual Outcomes

As a response to my findings from the creative report. I decided to create a short cartoon for each artist. This allowed me to visually analyse their responses and think about them with consideration. The cartoon style is a mix of both Brian Rea and Akbar Ali's work, Brain Rea having more playful illustrations and Akbar Ali specialising in cartoons.

I read several books on graphic storytelling and comic book art in order to create an informed piece. This was because both illustrators suggested to me that I read as much as I can, and this is what I intend to do! These books included:
  • Foundations in Comic Book Art by John Paul Lowe
  • Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative by Will Eisner
  • Pictures and Words by Roanne Bell and Mark Sinclair
The cartoons I produced are simplistic but they were a nice introduction in to the field, it is a practice I really want to work on over summer. I hope to send these to the illustrators as a form of thank you for answering my questions.

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