Thursday 3 May 2018

PPP Session - Money With Client

  • Ask about a budget/negotiate.
  • Say 'you'll cost it up' and write an estimate.
  • New client - 50% up front on a purchase order.
  • Then get the rest of the money once you've supplied the final files.
  • Copyright will be released on full at the final payment.
  • Any additional work should be payed XXX per hour and client needs to be informed.
  • 'Kill point' - if the project is 'killed' before completion all fees remain chargeable.
  • Never do cheques.
  • Purchase order.
  • Amount paid.
  • Payment terms - 30 day.
Safest Way:
  • Invoice goes to account department.
  • Not the person who set the brief.
Contract Advice:
  • Don't blindly accept their terms.
  • Negociate but there are some things you shouldn't back down on.
  • Contracts upfront.
  • Charge at least £30 an hour 

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