Wednesday 2 May 2018

OUGD505 Evaluation

Overall this module has gone well as I have outcomes that are grounded in research and each element of these outcomes has full reasoning. I learnt about the importance of deconstructing a project and analysing every relevant piece of research. It is easy to go down one direction yet by conducting thorough research, I realised the direction can change easily when something new and more exciting is discovered.

I particularly enjoyed studio brief 1 as exploring different genres of music is, in itself, something fun to undertake. I realised that when designing, it can be better if you're learning something in the process too. By discovering information it can drive the project much further than designing for topics you are an expert in. The tarot cards are bright, bold and considered - however their handmade aesthetic could be considered by some as unprofessional. Making the cards by hand is reasoned for with the research and as a result makes them look far more authentic than digital designs would have done.

The second project, studio brief 2, was also something I enjoyed because of the research. It is important to remember that making designs can change the way people view things, and this shouldn't be understated. By researching issues with the world it became very eye-opening, especially when viewing other people's presentations. Design is a tool for improving society and doing this project has given me the confidence to believe I can use design for this purpose. The outcomes of the project branding are simplistic and lack finer detail, however they are rooted in research and are all specifically made to improve reading experiences. In the future I hope to go into the book industry so researching the importance of reading was fascinating and useful.

One thing it is important to mention is that within this project I found I lacked motivation in the beginning. This could have been because of other projects taking precedent and a lack of direction. In the end it became clear that a solution would eventually present itself if enough research was carried out. In future I hope to do my work more consistently throughout the module, particularly focusing on research to inspire projects.

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