Sunday 20 May 2018

End of Module Evaluation

Overall this module has gone well. I have learn't a lot about the graphic design industry and how I can work my way into being a part of it.

Throughout this project I have learnt the importance of gaining new experiences and seeing creative work whenever I can. I have been to several exhibitions and been a part of one, which has opened my mind to new art forms and introduced me to other creatives. Berlin was an incredible experience and gave me a real insight to what is like to work professionally within a studio. Seeing designs has given me a drive for the future and an insight into the steps I need to take to get there.

The creative report was by far the most useful aspect of this module. The advice given to me by creatives I admire was perfect and unique, it really motivated me to work with passion and drive. One of the best bits of advice both Ali and Rea gave me was to read more, which is something I have sincerely taken forward. Talking to them has really given me the confidence to contract creatives in the future and maintain contact too.

The 'Life's a Pitch' project was also a useful task as it meant that I could practice skills in collaboration and compromise. I think I worked well within the group, offering up ideas and solutions at every opportunity and contributing work consistently. We made sure the pitch was concise and articulate, with much research backing it. I didn't present as we had stronger presenters in the group, however this is something I really want to work on.

In fact, the final presentation was something I really struggled with. I found it easier in first year, which could have been because we'd  had more practice in first year or because I was more confident about the work I was describing then. I think the key to a good presentation is to fully believe in the work you're communicating, which I didn't this time round. In future I hope to organise the sequence of my slides better and to spend more time rehearsing. With enough preparation and practice I hope presenting will be easier in future.

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