Saturday 19 May 2018

Studio Brief 2 - Feedback

The feedback for our presentation was mixed. It was acknowledged that we did a good level of research, which had clearly fueled our idea generation. However, it was suggested that we should have identified more specific problems within the institution and then presented our ideas as solutions.

Another point was that our 'Arts and Crafts' approach was good because it played into the institutions love of heritage. However, it was also suggested this theme ignores the technological future we seem to be speeding towards. In order for the new building to be applicable to future generations, we need to prempt that people will be looking for technological environments.

Overall it was also said that the pitch was well presented, thanks to Holly and Jasmine. However the feedback also says it was 'under presented', it could be that this was because we didn't delve deep enough into our ideas. I might be inclined to disagree with this, as all our ideas were thoroughly discussed, explored and researched beforehand, and in the presentation they were refined into concise points.

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