Wednesday 15 March 2017

Barcelona Trip: Brosmind 21.2.17

Seeing Brosmind's decorated and flourishing studio was an amazing experience. The walls were covered with illustrations, mementos and designs which filled the space with their enthusiasm. In fact, their warm welcome and honest discussion was one of the best aspects of the visit.

The design work however was also brilliant. Wacky yet adorable characters could be found everywhere in the studio and within shops in Barcelona. I bought a pack of their playing cards found in the Contemporary Museum of Art and a craft beer found in a local shop. Both show a punky, colourful flavour of their work, both defined by the original illustrations. Brosmind have developed their own colour pallet used throughout their work, often finished with a brown outline, maintaining a warm aesthetic- reminiscent of Barcelona itself.

One of their main pieces of advice was to make time for personal work. This was to keep a drive behind the designing and conjure outside interest in new potential skills and projects. One of their most exciting studio pieces was a car made of glass, completely inked with doodles, using the Brosmind colours behind the panes. This began as a personal project but received much attention and will eventually be presented at a show. They suggest often personal work can be far more rewarding than corporate work.  

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