Thursday 30 March 2017

Personal Evaluation

Personal Evaluation

Throughout this project I have learnt the importance of gaining new experiences and seeing creative work whenever I can. I have been to several exhibitions which have opened my mind to new art forms and introduced me to other creatives. Offset Sheffield and Barcelona were both incredible experiences and gave me a real insight it what it is like to be a designer. Seeing designers has given me a drive for the future and an insight into the steps I need to take to get there.

Something else I have been able to do is reflect on myself as a designer and promote personal traits as assets. This is something I struggled with at the beginning, however due to discussions with peers it meant I could see myself with better perspective and develop from there. I have realise that I am a designer who wants to work for individual creatives who I can work well with- literary work in particular. I wouldn't have come to this conclusion without PPP, as it was this that motivated me to look at my future and what I enjoy most.

PPP has also given me the confidence and motivation to network. At the beginning of the year I attended a print workshop, filled with creatives across Leeds. This was ideal to talk about our practice and gain inspiration for future work. It was here I saw a zine someone had created, which made me realise I too could create something like this on a low budget. Recently I have also attended a 'Punk in Print' event at Village Bookstore, this again led to some discussion and meeting the author: Toby Mott. These events were important to see as they have given me motivation and inspiration about where I want to be in the future.  

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