Wednesday 15 March 2017

Poster Design

For my PPP poster design I decided to present the work on a Leeds Collage of Art envelope in order to link back to the collage and show a resourceful nature. The illustration on the front is a style I have used on many personal projects this year, so I thought it would be good to represent my style. Some of the concepts are weird, like the Blogger monster, however this goes with the kind of work I enjoy.

Under 'Learnt' I have drawn dinosaurs giving criticism on a piece of work. This was to signify how at the beginning of the year receiving feedback from tutors and peers was scary, since their work was very impressive. But over the course duration, receiving criticism has become a lot easier and has improved my work dramatically. I have also learnt how to be 'better at being an adult,' which is something that has gone quite well over the year. In fact, balancing work with adulting has been easier than anticipated. 

For ambitions I have written that I would like to make more zines, since my last poetry zine was so fun to make and has taught me new skills. For example, the merit of using a grid became a lot more clear and I now understand the complex print settings required to make them on my own. I hope that I can make 'Tooth' something bigger, not only to improve my design but to maintain relationships with fellow creatives. Secondly I have written to 'get work in the industry', this would be good experience and is something I really want to pursue this summer.

Additionally, under engaged with or 'Loved', I have written 'meet new people' with figures sitting in a hot air balloon to signify the new and lovely people I have met due to university. This has been one of my favourite parts of being here so far, which has really helped my design work with all the advice and motivation my friends have given. Secondly I have written 'going to gigs' which is something I've done a lot of since being here, which has introduced me to quite an arty community and has given me new motivation. Seeing new things like bands or exhibitions has been inspiring for my design work.

Finally the thing I have least enjoyed is keeping up to date with blog posts. It has become easier across the year however it has been hard to document every aspect of my work rather than carrying on straight away. In future I hope this becomes easier as it is an important skill to be able to communicate about your work. Not only this but deadlines have been an issue in some ways. The late nights and constant working can become quite intense towards the end of a deadline, which is something I would like to avoid in future.

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