Wednesday 15 March 2017

Self Branding Presentation Outcomes

My initial ideas for my brand outcomes were:

-Postcards, with elements cut out of them.
-Postcard concertina, with serrated edge.
-Simple messages to people that have effected my life, 'To O, thank you for lending me your jacket when I was cold.'
-Create zines/posters to sell.
-Created online counts for my brand.

Eventually I decided to create miniature cartoons based on an illustrative style I had developed a few projects ago. The cartoon character was called 'Lonley', due to the fact I misspelled lonely. These would be something people could take away, read and then keep, with my contact details on the back.

This next piece I experimented with was teabags that I tried to dye blue with food colouring. This was to express the weird, fantasy aspect of my work and to signify my love of tea. After they were dyed, I attached tags with my logo on them. This meant they could be taken away and be a memorable element to my brand. I could develop this further and create packaging for them.

My final product was to incorporate some poetry into the design as that is something I am interested in. So I created a postcard concertina with 4 different designs, summing up individual aspects of my design, and a short poetic phrase on the back:

The light bulb laughed.
“I'm brighter than the sun right now.”

“My words keep escaping me.”
“Have you tried giving them regular walks?”

“Are you staring into space?”
She snapped her purse shut, “yeah its my job.”

“You know smoking can kill you.”
The dragon glared, “the alternative is fire Steve, which can kill you.”

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