Sunday 12 March 2017

DR ME - Collage workshop

For the upcoming project we had a visit from DR ME so that we could develop skills in collage for our screen prints. In this we were given a word in pairs which we had to develop a 10 frame gif for.

The word we were given was 'ago' which we decided to suggest by having a women knocking a clock and causing time to go backwards. We were initially just going to use one frame and have time warped whilst the women stood next to the scene. However we thought it would have more progression if there was a narrative of three scenes. In the final scene I suggested we have the clock reappear for some continuity, linking it in a cycle. We included faces in some of the cogs in order to convey a surreal effect, working with the freedom that collage allows.

This workshop has given me the skills to make a gif which I will use in future design work and has shown me how accessible collage work can be. 

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