Wednesday 15 March 2017

Self Branding Presentation Identity

For the beginning of my self branding I began by deciding what it was that I wanted to communicate:

-Creative and interested in fantasy.
-A passion for quirky projects.
-A future focus in publishing design.

With this in mind it meant that I could tailor my brand's logo, type and outcomes to something that would suite these objectives.

For my logo design I wanted something that could communicate the fantasy element. Eventually I developed a compass rose to suggest a sense of adventure and journey, it is also something I have been doodling since I was 15 so I thought it had sentimental value.

After this I looked at the name for my brand. In the end I went with 'Hazel Thacker', I thought this would create a more personal approach and lead people to feel comfortable working with me. 

Hazel Thacker- Designer and Terrible Poet
Pay off: ‘Bring an Umbrella for the Brainstorm.’
Description: A thoughtful designer with an interest in alt-lit, zine making and strange projects.

Throughout the presentation I included a doodle of an adventure scene at the bottom of each slide. Although this was a simple illustration I used it to communicate the style I like and the identity I wanted to get across.

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