Monday 20 March 2017

Elsie Smith: Vampyre Hunter Cover Design

A personal project I have recently undertaken was to create a book cover for my Dad's vampire novel. This gave me a new idea of what it would be like to work for a client, as I created a varied set of work, tailored to my Dad's specification and taste, all with knowledge/research into the book. Something I wouldn't have done before my degree, is develop 5 designs of which my dad could decide which he liked most.

 This was not only a way of creating a good outcome, but it was also a result of being truly passionate about the project. I realised it is important to find ways of making yourself passionate or interested in the work you're doing, or it will never be as good as it can be.

Overall I was very happy with the outcome and as I result I want to pursue publication design in the future. I enjoyed researching the literacy nearly as much as the designing, which was also true for some previous book related projects too.

This design was then printed and has been submitted into a writing competition. It was exciting to have this as an incentive to make the design stand out and appeal to a contemporary readership.

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