Sunday 21 April 2019

Business Card Experiments - Studio Brief 1: Personal Branding

Some business cards were the experimented with. These used a black and white approach with a simple uses of colour for the rain falling onto the umbrella. These have designed to be friendly, imaginative and engaging. The umbrella particularly stands out well in white on the black designs. But both variations have been taken further and printed since they compliment each other well and further the collection.

Various Experiments:

Some of the designs initially made felt too simple and didn't reflect my imaginative and friendly personality. It needed an element like the rain to add another layer to the composition and further exemplify design skills.

There was also going to be a design which involved having the umbrella cut out at the center of the card with acetate behind it. However this proved to be a complicated process and the experiments I conducted did not have a professional finish and so were discarded. This is something I would like to test in future instead to exemplify skills in different processes - such as laser cutting.

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