Monday 29 April 2019

Evaluation - Studio Brief 1: Personal Branding

The branding logo is bold, memorable and well-reasoned. It was important to have a fairly simple logo so it could be appropriate for a multitude of different design studios/roles. After graduation I hope to be open to many different kinds of design jobs in order to gain all the experience I can. That being said it would be preferable to be a member of a smaller, quirky studio and so the logo still indicates creative flair and imagination.

The branding reflects my style of design, which tends to be bold shapes and refined colour pallets. Red is used a lot in my work and so it made sense to use it within my branding. This is balanced nicely with black and white and creates a striking and contemporary aesthetic. The colour makes the cards exciting and eye-catching. The bold style and colours used are similar to the studios I initially researched and therefore should be appealing and interesting to them.

The logo shape shows that I am good at idea generation, through the text inviting the holder to a brain-storm. The pencil within the umbrella also indicates that I am good at the preliminary planning stages of design work. The unusual interpretation of the every day umbrella helps to reflect that I enjoy quirky and imaginative design. Yet it is still refined enough that it could also be suitable for more serious work. By stating that I am a 'graphic design, illustrator and brain-stormer' it shows that I can be playful and may stand out against other more basic design titles.

All the different items of physical branding have been well reasoned and should make me attractive as a designer. The miniature portfolio particularly works well to give a taster of my work and will stand out against the usual digital submissions people receive. The case which has been designed to hold it also improves the experience - it gives a sense that the portfolio is something important and raises it's value. The case's size also means there is space for a bookmark and business card to be part of the pack. The bookmarks are likely something that people will keep, even if they discard the rest, as they are functional. This means that as they are used, people will be reminded of my branding and will remember to contact me for work. The business card holder will improve my appearance as a professional designer at networking events or studio visits. I will be able to keep the holder in my bag and then slip it out when necessary to hand out business cards when necessary. It also means that the cards are protected from any damage. The stamp is also consistent with the rest of the branding and will be useful in various types of communication with clients and studios. Clients in particular will be charmed by the stamp and may choose to do work with me again in future.

Most importantly the design work is consistent across all modes of dissemination – including my portfolio, website, social media and branding. This was important to give a united front and to show that I am organised, consistent and have a recognised way of working to offer people.

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