Monday 22 April 2019

Social Media and Documenting Work - Studio Brief 1: Personal Branding


My social media account was also refined to reflect my personal branding. I decided on an aesthetic which would use a variety of different formats but given consistency by a rigid colour organised grid. Black and white images were to alternate with red, black and white. This created an interesting constraint as sometimes the work being produced was not of either colour - it became about how to frame it in a way which would make it fit the regime.

Since updating my social media it has grown a lot more popular. I am planning what I am going to post quite far ahead in order to ensure that the colour scheme can be followed and the different posts compliment each other. The variety of formats creates an interesting an imaginative mix which matches my style as a designer. Many of the studios I looked at for inspiration also adopted similar layouts so I thought this style had relevance.

After talking with Alec and hearing about Commission Studio's technique of documenting work, I realised I need to take a different approach to how I was recording my designs. Here it shows how Commission Studio have created a logo and then presented it a completely unusual way in order to capture interest.

I then adopted similar techniques of documentation for some pieces of my work. Such as similarly making a logo design into a stamp and then photographing the impressions of the stamp. There was also some images taken in a supermarket of a student shopping guide to frame it in an unusual and relevant context. Finally, some photographs were taken of a poster series on an overgrown wall - rather than on a white background. This was again to make them a little different and to reflect the 'imperfect' nature of the prints

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