Sunday 21 April 2019

Norwich Beer Festival Logo Design 2019 - Competition Winner


Since I won the Norwich beer festival competition in 2018 I thought I would enter again this year, given how much I enjoyed designing for the festival last time. After the designs were put to a vote, I won again! This was exciting news and will be excellent to talk about in interviews and my portfolio. The Norwich Beer Festival is a large event and as a lot of coverage as I discovered last year, so it will be good opportunity to further my reputation.

Having discussed with the Beer Festival team last year, I knew what they were likely to choose and the specific elements that would make the design stand out. I looked at previous years winners but also thought about ways the logo could look more modern and appealing. This was considering the recent change in direction of the festival and ensuring that I created a design that I was proud of and would reflect my own personal style and aesthetic.

After having won, I was emailing the beer festival organisers for several weeks. In these emails I remained polite, friendly and open to ideas. The management had several thoughts for how the logo could be changed so that it would look smoother and would stand out better on the beer festival glasses. They also wanted several alternatives to put on different coloured t-shirts. For these changes I made a series of alternative logos and organised them in a pitch deck which I emailed over. Within this pitch deck I offered all the alternatives they asked for and offered a few more alternatives too - this was to show I had considered their advise and wanted to improve the design. That being said, I also didn't want to overwhelm them - so kept the options, clear, concise and considered. I ended the pitch deck with the logo alteration I favoured most, making it appear as the best choice. This worked well and they chose a variation close to my favourite design.

After this they still wanted several changes, so I made sure to offer my help in any way that I could. The team offered to have their own designers take over the logo work if I didn't have time but I wanted to gain the experience and to encourage them to want to work with me again in future. This meant that I came across as a professional and hardworking individual. And as a result, the team suggested that I should be able to help with the design work of next year's festival. This will be a brilliant opportunity and is a result of my hardworking and professional conduct with the team.

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