Sunday 21 April 2019

The Door into Shadow - A Live Brief

The brief was a commission to create a book cover (front, spine and back) for 'The Door into Shadow' by J.I.Thacker, the first in a line of six novels. The cover needed to feature a bold image, the authors name and the title of the book, in a consistent style for a dark fantasy novel. It also needed to include reference to what number it is the Shadowland series (I), a blurb, a byeline and the 'Laptop Cat' publishing house logo, in a bold and memorable way.

Again there was strong communication with the client which meant that throughout successful alterations and compromises were made. In the end the book was physically published which felt like an amazing achievement. The feeling of having the physical book after having worked on it so long, createed a strong sense of pride and achievement. This is is something I will be able to use for my portfolio and on my CV I will be able to say I have had cover designs published. 

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