Sunday 21 April 2019

Design Research - Studio Brief 1: Personal Branding


Different styles of business cards were looked at. I particularly found Moo's business card holder  interesting. This creates an organised and considered look when handing out business cards. It means that you can show off an extension of you branding as you give people business cards or receive ones from other people. This was an item I developed later on.

The business cards all show a simple yet bold approach. Minimal use of colour is incredibly important in order for the design to stand out. I thought the black, white and red design was particularly relevant to my own practice.

Different studios and practitioners were then looked at for their branding styles. I chose studios which create similar deign work to myself and have work and branding that I aspire to one day achieve. This included Studio Pensom, Studio Build, OK-RM and Rachel Oliver (the Hepworth's graphic designer).
  • Most use red, black and white, bold colours.
  • Type Based Logos, very simplified and distinctive. Needs to be recognisable in people's feeds.  
  • Work is presented in consistent but varied formats.

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