Sunday 21 April 2019

Logo Experiments - Studio Brief 1: Personal Branding


After many experiments and preliminary designs I decided to make my logo into an umbrella with a pencil in place of a handle. This derives from a first year PPP session where I had to come up with a tagline for my own personal brand. I decided to have 'bring an umbrella for the brainstorm' as I am a designer who is very ideas based - I wanted to emphasise that I am useful in a team for idea generation. I decided to explore this further as a concept, thinking of further taglines such as 'it's raining ideas.' The addition of the pencil adds to the idea based concept yet also indicates that I am  interested in illustration and design work which begins by hand. The umbrella logo still however remains professional, it is strong, clear and bold and matches the style of logo which will be used by my competitors. The black and white colour scheme is something I was keen to use as a lot of my work is black and white and it suites my design aesthetic well. I wanted a logo which would be appropriate for a multitude of design jobs, since when I graduate I will be open to many kinds of design work in order to gain experience. That being said, the logo still indicates creative flair and imagination and should also be applicable for my plan to get in museum and gallery design.

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