Sunday 24 March 2019

Andrew Odong - Creative Convos - 18.2.19


Creative Production: From Freelance to Start-Up

Andrew Odong is the founder of Pesa productions and has been a creative producer for the last 4-5 years.

Before Pesa Productions

At university he branded a street dance event in Lester. This was his first taste of a career in producing events.

After that he asked himself what he wanted to do and overall he realised he wanted to interact a lot with people and got a job as a conference producer with the Guardian. This involved researching content for conferences, getting into contact with speakers and organising brand sponsorships. This allowed him to get into real contact with brands and found out they were real people - not invincible. He could offer them things they didn't have, like ways to connect with the youth. He learnt a lot of transferable skills, including communication, research, project management, networking (LinkedIn), business acumen.

Then he went freelance, working with a theatre producer. This lead him to developing an event for an LGBT film event festival. Also pitched a podcasting event for spotify which was successful and then organised a women in podcasting event.

Pesa Productions

He wanted to set up a company and brand which would have a legacy. He didn't want to just use his name, as he wanted to encourage the idea of community. He is always sure to refer to new ideas on Instagram as a 'we' and not an 'I', even if it's just him. Strong ideas of diversity and opportunity - wanted to encourage people to change their own narrative. A lot of people talk about this but don't act on it.

This company was to help creators get their ideas into fruition and help creative start-ups - specialising in premium events. He wanted to invest in creatives and help guide them. This work included: events, films, photography and podcasts. He wanted to show how you can be both corporate and creative - a balance can create a very strong outcome.

A producer:
  • Puts the pieces together
  • Is proactive and practical about ideas
  • Can identify and manage opportunities
  • Is charismatic and good at getting people to buy into his vision
  • Problem solver
  • Makes himself and others accountable.
Design and Production

Companies always need designers. Pesa specialises in: website design, portfolios, pitch decks, typography, logos, film graphics, installation and set design, event branding and design.

  • He believes that anyone who takes on a creative career will have lots of opportunity in the future - as you can't automate creativity. 
  • Don't network up, network across. Look at the people next to you. Who need help? Who are just as hungry as you are? They're who you should connect with.
  • It's okay to fail, just keep persevering, have persistence. 
  • Values going to see people, but there's also value in looking at other options. Don't over-do it.
  • You have to create work that serves a purpose/ for an audience. Don't always look to what you like.
  • LinkedIn is good!! Look at marketing managers and directors, try to include a message in requests, potentially write in bio that you're wanting to collaborate.
5 Things to Know:
  1. Value based networking -  Always think about what you can get from a brand and then what you can do to improve their lives.
  2. Identify your own value.
  3. Customer and client experience - friendly and punctual.
  4. Ideas are useless without action - you need to be working, it won't just hit you.
  5. Find your advocates - always be polite.

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