Sunday 24 March 2019

Kieran Walsh - Creative Convos - 20.2.19


After graduating from Leeds Arts University he went to London and entered a start-up. Then he freelanced which wasn't so enjoyable and he's now working at Wired magazine, which focuses on how technology influences your everyday life.

  • Make a website.
  • Spell check your CV.
  • Make a work Instagram - employers use it to check you're who you say you are, if you're good and if you're nice. Make sure the aesthetic lines up with the jobs you're applying for.
  • Future proof your skills and think about what you'll need in the future. You're expected to be able to do everything.
  • Be a nice person to be around - compliment people.
  • Find an excuse to talk to that person.
  • Learn After Effects, Sketch, Vission etc.
  • Go to the signings/parties/talks/openings.
  • Get a nice email address - your name. Make sure it's consistent across the touch points.
  • Learn what CSS/HTML is - have at least a working knowledge.
  • Enter that thing - make some of them competitions. 
  • Learn how to prioritise - find out whats more important. Get it out there and get it done.
  • Stay in and research the company, look at their Instagram, who they're friends with, what they've done.
  • Is the attached pdf CMYK? Make sure it's in RGB. 

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