Saturday 30 March 2019

Nearly Getting a Placement at Penguin


One of my other thoughts for the future was to go into publishing. Because of this I decided to apply for a work experience position at Penguin. I made sure I investigated the company thoroughly so that my application would show keen interest and passion. I have been interested in their work experience position for a long time so I have also taken part in other Penguin programs which I could discuss.

I made sure it was chirpy, funny and enthusiastic, with clear knowledge of Penguin books and their brand.



Tell us a little bit about yourself and what drew you to apply for work experience with us?

I am a final year graphic design student from Leeds Arts University and I have completed the penguin student design award each year. Working in a publishing house like Penguin would be my ideal job and I'm incredibly interested in the marketing and design of Penguin books. I read a lot and write stories too and have designed covers for self-publishing authors previously. I have taken part in your Bookmarks feedback website and I enjoy discussing and critically analysing your books. Your ethos is something I really resonate with too, your focus on inclusion and your #LikeAWomen pop-up bookshop are both examples of your progressive mindset. I would love to help add to this way of thinking as I am a proud feminist and advocate diversity. I believe getting a taste of working at Penguin would be an experience I would treasure for a long time.

What would you like to get out of your work experience placement?

I would like to become more familiar with the publishing industry and the processes involved in marketing and selling books. I want to learn more about business and working as a professional in a modern and progressive environment. I believe penguin is an inspiring and creative setting which would really motivate me to pursue my dream of working in this industry. I'm an incredibly creative and resourceful individual so I would love to test my abilities and hone my skills to specific tasks. I would especially like to learn about how campaigns for books are developed and the relationship between authors and the penguin team. I'm curious about all the different individuals that make up Penguin and I would like to learn about their routes into publishing.

You’re stranded on a desert island and can take three books with you. What have you picked and why

The first book I would take is 'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith, this is my all time favourite book and is something I never tire of reading. On a desert island I would not feel as lonely with such richly detailed characters to hand. The writing is so honest and well-rounded it feels entirely like dipping into another life – although on a desert island perhaps I should be focusing on my immediate surroundings first? The second book I would take is 'Hera Lindsay Bird' by the poet Hera Lindsay Bird. This poetry book is something that entirely resonates with me, I have read it several times and made detailed notes in the margins. It contains such ludicrous metaphors that allow the imagination to cross into new ways of thinking – reading it is an entire experience which would definitely be added to by the heat stroke and dehydration I'd likely experience on a desert island. Finally, I would take 'Maus' by Art Spiegelman because Valdek's experience of the Holocaust shows remarkable strength and resourcefulness. I am entirely in awe of his courage, and would need such a role model when trying to survive on a desert island.


Initially this application was turned down but I was encouraged to reapply. Then, several months later I received an email offering me a work experience position at Penguin as someone had dropped out.

This was incredibly exciting as Penguin receives thousands of applications for this role. However, unfortunately, to ensure the spot was filled this email was sent to several people and although my response was prompt, it was too late. 

From this experience I have learnt that my work and experiences have merit and it is possible to be noticed by big agencies such as Penguin Random House if you apply yourself. My application probably stood out because of the research I conducted and the time I put into Penguin projects such as their 'Bookmarks' site. It shows having a focus can eventually lead to good opportunities. I nearly didn't apply to this, but I'm really glad I did, as even though I didn't cross the final hurdle I still had some success. It has given me confidence and courage to apply to more things and contact more people in the future.

(It's also taught me to be constantly monitoring my emails for potential opportunities)

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