Sunday 24 March 2019

Eva Cremers - Creative Convos - 21.2.19


Studied at Art Academy Minerva Groningen and then did a 5 month internship at Snask. This was small, crazy, creative and the office was full pink. Every time they have a new client they send a video saying how happy they are to be working with them. So she sent them a box of party stuff, all pink, acting as if she already had the internship - saying she couldn't wait for their responding video.This was incredibly effective and she got sent images back of the studio posing with the items, asking her when she could arrive. One of the projects there included photographing kittens in shoes for Adidas and she did the set design which was a completely new experience.

At university she made a wide variety of work, including 'The Happy Book' which used pop-ups, textures and mirrors. Also created push, make and play animations based on a self-portrait project. For graduation she researched Dutch newspapers, printed newspapers, shortcomings of newspapers and the shortcomings of readers. This was about learning how to imitate news today and in the end she created a wall of mechanisms to imitate the eye-catching and consuming effect of headlines - called 'In News We Trust'. All the viewers read these headline mechanisms, despite the newspapers on the side. This process involved setting goals, sketching, testing, improving, testing, questioning it  and making it.

After Uni

She read a quote that said you don't need confidence, you just need courage and you can't be safe and challenged. You can either be safe and bored or challenged and scared. So she boosted her Instagram and set herself her own projects to do, helping her to learn new skills.

This personal project lead her to having an interview with 'The Design Kids' . She was also asked if she wanted to be an intern for Man vs Machine, collaborated with Super Freak from Birmingham and the New York Times asked for a piece.

Things Learned So Far
  • Show your work online
  • Positive side to Instagram , lots of designers - every person is insecure about what they're posting.
  • Pinterest is training, shows amazing work and graphic design. You develop an eye for art direction and design.
  • Don't be afraid of big designers, they weren't born as great designers.
  • Being insecure about your work is normal, helps you be more critical.
  • There are people looking for nice talent.
  • Normal to have no idea what you're doing.
  • Exploring what you want/who you are
Tips for Traction
  • Look at other people's hashtags
  • Re-post stories 
  • Don't be afraid to comment on other people's work
  • Look at Greyscalegorilla tutorials

For this we created a 5 minute presentation for ideas for our end of year show, how this could be curated and pushed to the extreme. We decided to make our presentation about the 5 senses and did a lot of research into design pieces that incorporate touch, taste, sound, smell and sight.

This made me consider how our end of year show is a great opportunity to do some big and exciting work, especially as the attention received there could be good for networking.

Eva Cremers End of Year Show Work

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