Friday 29 March 2019

Regular Practice - Creative Convos - 22.2.19


Tom Finn and Kristoffer Søling did their masters together at the Royal College of Art. They first collaborated together when they did a poster for the typographic singularity. This worked well and lead them to do some for the Lonely Hearts Jazz Club which involved creating a typeface made out of heart shapes split into fours. They enjoyed recontextualising found typography in a contemporary context.

They suggest you should push work for future opportunities. They used any opportunity to do work they were interested in and eventually invested in a small studio space so they would feel like it was a job they'd take seriously. They share an enthusiasm for form and visual expression, they did rocket lollies which didn't have much depth but were quite playful - always think about the work you're doing and if it fills a gap in your portfolio.

Where does the work come from
  • Press/ End of year show.
  • Tinted Windows Publication - intervened in kickstarter to improve the quality.
  • Drawing Words Exhibition - Collaboration (hand-over) to Lauren Child - gave her own space to work on the curation - came from British Council.
  • Serpentine Work Marathon
When asked to do work create a tailored portfolio. Say you know what you're talking about and say you can do it for less.

Prepping for Industry - Some Thoughts
  • Nothing can replace good work - no shortcuts so put more time into your work.
  • Don't make a website in a night - focus on the way you're documenting your work.
  • Utilise your time in education to make interesting work - makes you different.
  • Stategise and customise your approach to people.
  • Go to stuff - be involved in talks and exhibitions. Get your personality as a human across.
  • Documenting work - make it into another project.
Regular Practice Jazz Posters

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