Friday 29 March 2019

Selling Work and Being a Professional - 1.3.19


For this task we were asked to find an example of poorly designed branding and describe why it works - improving our skills in selling work to clients. I found a trucking company called - STD Limited.

Selling points:
  • People look at it, they laugh, it entertains them whilst they're driving and is memorable.
  • The T looks as if it is bouncing up, as if potentially on a truck journey - exemplifies the fast service.
  • The red colours of the letters stand out against the pale blue and are distinctive. 
  • Based on research the design shows a similar bold style adopted by competitors.  
  • Colours are bold and clear - likely to stand out whilst driving.
  • 'Steve's' makes the brand feel more personal and trustworthy.
  • Doesn't have STD in the title!

This exercise has shown that selling ideas confidently and cleverly is just as important as generating them. WATCH - Abstract on Netflix.

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