Sunday 24 March 2019

Self Promo Session - 1.2.19


3 Avenues for Creative Press:
  • Print - Doesn't have to be a huge readership and can be impressive to show to prospective employers.
  • Online - e.g. It'sNiceThat
  • Social - e.g. Instagram, consistency is key
Challenge: To get some press coverage at some point in the academic year.

  • Research. Correctly identify what the publisher wants.
  • Read any submission guides.
  • Work on an extended practice project with a really tight visual output.
  • Potentially create a project that involves a series of coherent pieces.
  • Think about time zones.
  • Insights on Instagram.
  • Redirect onto other platforms.
  • Looks at pieces and replicate their format but using information about yourself.
Micheal William Lester - Character Building

A clear and simple concept, quite personal, cleverly produced to gain publicity. 

Jihee Lee - Should I Leave or Should I Stay?

Interviewed Korean creatives who have left the country to work in other countries, about their experience and practice. Written in both Korean and English. Clever use of simple colour for impact.

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