Saturday 30 March 2019

Placement Research


I began by doing research into studios in Leeds and York I would be interested in doing some work experience with. After making several calls however, not many seemed to be in the right position to provide work experience at the moment. I also found the studios weren't really the kinds of places I'd want to work for in future.

I contacted 'Print to the People' which is a traditional print making studio in my hometown Norwich. They were interested in giving me some volunteer work yet only over an extended period of time, rather than a concentrated period of a week or so. I would have struggled to commute to this each week so had to turn it down, but it does open doors for a potential summer placement.

I realised ideally I would one day want to be an in-house designer for a museum or gallery, or even designing as part of a studio for commissioned pieces from museums and galleries. This lead me to contact The Hepworth Wakefield and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for volunteer work which both were interested in providing. I shortly had an interview at the Hepworth Wakefield where I discussed my experiences in the art world and led me to getting a place as a volunteer.

After having a discussion with PPP tutor John, he gave me the contact details for Ian Smith, the head of museums and galleries in Manchester. I asked him if he would be interested in getting a coffee or having me shadow him briefly - however, I got no response. 

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