Friday 29 March 2019

Bafic - Creative Convos - 22.2.19


Bafic is a filmmaker and photographer, who studied at Camberwell and works in London. Bafic is a name he works under, its his date of birth in letters

Bafic said that graphic design is at the core of everything and that it is all about process - structure, research and reasoning. Advice:
  • He suggests that depending on the room you're in extract the skills you have which apply and emphasise them. 
  • Focus on the story and the narrative - it's less about the product and more about the key message. 
  • The best way to develop something the client likes is to find out everything about them - the brand has to completely reflect that. 
  • If the brand is strong it's because they're controlled and are very careful about what they put out.
  • Industry isn't real - your clients could be the people sitting next to you. They are ordinary people. 
  • Piss people off who are older than you - this is how change happens. 
  • If you want to do something, just do it.
  • There are no rules, no defined rules - e.g. why is album art on Spotify square? Change it up!
Within music the melody becomes the hook and the lyrics are hidden underneath. Childish Gambino's America is so successful as all the different elements come together to make it special.

Bafic Directed 'PANES by Choice Errors - Very resourceful in techniques used, some elements were filmed on Iphone. Similar for this NikeLab & Roundel video

For another video he used his brother's iphone which distorted the video - interesting use of constraints.

Something that really came through in Bafic's presentation was his passion and kindness - definitely important skills to have within the design business.

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