Friday 29 March 2019

HAWRAF - Studio Rules


New members for HAWRAF are given a set of rules

These were called negotiables and non-negotiables.

Best Negotiables:
  • 'No interrupting. Granted, I’m not good at this one, but when everyone isn’t an active talker it’s not an effective way of communicating.' - Important to state, as everyone's ideas and thoughts can be heard. As someone who isn't very outspoken, this is something I appreciate. Equally it is important to speak up, if people are interrupting or overtaking the conversation.
  • 'Prioritize learning new things, new experiences, over what we already know. (The exception being if time or money is of the essence, and we must work within the known to accomplish our goals.)' - Good to state, your team should always be trying to push things and not become complacent. 
Best Non-Negotiables: 
  • A general list of important house keeping, including being in on time and tidiness. Important to have a functional work environment. 
  • 'Simultaneously, create and maintain boundaries between work, clients, and our own lives. Don’t answer emails on weekends. Don’t prioritize client “emergencies” that we don’t view as “emergencies.”' Important - as designers it's important to not get to involved in the work, a distance from it needs to be kept in order to keep making good, sustainable work.
  • High focus on communication, check in with each, give each other opportunities. I think this is really relevant for designers, as to be creative you need to feel comfortable. Some people may need to be given opportunities to talk to feel like they can. 
  • 'Ask for help when you need it. We can look out for each other, but we’re not mind readers. Expect each other to ask when they need help.'
  • 'Be willing to throw everything away. Be willing to abandon projects that don’t make sense, and rethink ones that seemingly do. Be flexible.' - this is key. Don't be protective over work, think about what is best for the brief and the overall studio's thoughts.
  • 'Practice saying “we.”' - Good for the company image, gives you power as a collective and the sense of backing and support.
  • 'Embrace risk. Don’t punish it. Make mistakes okay.' Better to do this than play it safe.
  • 'Leave the world better than we found it.'

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