Sunday 24 March 2019

The Art of the Cover Letter - 8/2/19


Three important things:
  1. Needs to be confident.
  2. Needs to be clear.
  3. Needs to be concise. 
Tips from around the web:
  • Don't repeat your CV
  • Research the company
  • Tell them what you have to offer - what you're gonna give, not take
  • Use a professional tone but don't loose all personality (depending on the context)
  • Finish Strong
  • Subject line - make it quirky/intriguing 
  • Discuss most recent work
  • Confident tone - saw when you want the internship, possibly mention payment.
  • Find a project completed that links with something they've done
  • Could write 'the portfolio attached has been tailored for you' - makes them feel special/obligated
  • End on something funny (e.g. we could be so good together...)

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