Sunday 24 March 2019

Intern Magazine Seminar 25.1.19 - Alec Dudson


  • After completing degree started contributing to the blog KLLKT. Started having work published.
  • Started emailing magazines for internships, including 'domus', the architecture magazine. They offered an interview and a 2 month internship in Milan to help prepare for the design week.
  • Wrote a review of installation by Doug Aitken at the Hirshhorn museum, began taking an interesting in writing creative published pieces.
  • Then interned at 'boat' magazine unpaid. Meant he learnt a lot, was sure to put self out there and pitch ideas too. Each print issue they id they moved to a different city around the world, looking for genuine stories about people who lived there.
Making Intern
  • First addition was made using Newspaper Club and was formed through a lot of past connections and collaborations. Made a kickstarter campaign which got them a significant amount of funding. They took advantage of the current intern scandal in the US.
Printing Issues
  • It's hard to keep a print magazine running and see a return.
  • If making one in the future, make sure print isn't at the center of the business. There is a general move towards digital at the moment. 
  • Developed and diversified the website.
Current Intern and General
  • Made an Ace and Tate commission, created 5 stories for them, a launch event and a print publication for them.
  • Also launching a podcast, trying to get art council funding.
  • Began teaching and doing talks, worked way up into charging for talks/teaching.
  • Constantly trying to organise new clients to work with.
  • Doesn't necessarily need an office space. One illustrator who works from home gets up, leaves the house and then returns to do a days work.
  • Has one Intern - currently working at Open Set in Amsterdam (look into)

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