Sunday 24 March 2019

Projecting the Future of Design - 15.2.19


During the session we were thinking about the future of the design industry and what it might one day look like. Some examples of modern design and evolving studios were discussed:

'New Studio' -

A studio that unites a range of different people, including designers and architects to address a range of design briefs. Involves a modernistic style of design and a new 'collective' approach.

'Kyra TV' -

A 'Gen-Z' entertainment network which gives youtubers the opportunity to create television style choreographed content.

Mother - New York Public Library Insta Novels

The New York branding and creative agency, Mother, was enlisted to make classic literature accessible to the masses. Very interesting way of modernising and rebranding classic literature so it isn't forgotten.

Brief: To envision a new age design studio 10 years from now.
  • 2029
  • 5 min presentation by 1:30
  • Name and branding - following predicted trends.
  • Way the studio meets future needs.
  • Price.
  • Fictional case study.
  • New social media formats.
  • AI in creative commercial advertising.
  • Data drives.
  • Voice search and command
Our Idea:

Using concepts involving e-commerce and augmented reality, we decided to create an Instagram 'add-on' feature which would allow users to digitally try on outfits worn by social media influencers and advertisers. This was to be called 'Glove' following the phrase 'fits like a glove'.

We thought this would be an appropriate idea because we discussed how big shopping is becoming on Instagram already. There are features that allow you to immediately go to linked shops and there are ways to see the cost of items by tapping on images. In a futuristic world it is easy to imagine that you will also be able to see yourself wearing the clothes.

Concept: So if a user came across an outfit that appealed to them, they would be able to tap the image once and the Glove icon would appear in the top corner. After having tapped this it will take them to the Glove add-on feature allowing them to either try the outfit on in 'live try-on' or use the 'body scan pre-upload' feature. The 'live try-on' allows them to hold their phone away from their body and see what the item will look like at different angles. The 'body scan pre-upload' uses a scan of the body previously inputted, to see how the item fits on your avatar. This means it is easy and simple to view. There will then be a 'buy now' button within the app too.

We decided that the cost of this add-on would be a lump sum based the revenue it would give Instagram. However after presenting it was suggested that instead we ask for a small percentage of every sale made using the add-on. This makes more sense as there will be no risk of undercharging the value of the app.


Doing this exercise has made me reflect on the types of design that will be prevalent in the future. It leads me to consider the skills that I should develop which may be in high demand one day. Such as UX design.

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