Saturday 30 March 2019

Work Experience in York Studios


Because of my interest in one day working as a designer for galleries and museums, I began contacting design agencies in York which offered specific design work for museums. This included 'Inchpunch' which specialies in museum exhibition design and 'Qualia' which does museum and heritage work.

The emails I sent were passionate, chatty and flattering. I also made sure I ended on something funny which would make my email stand out and show a bit of personality - stating alongside my design skills I can also make a mean cup of tea 'which you don't want to miss out on.'

After contacting Inchpunch, they got back into contact saying that they would be willing to give me a placement - however, they stated that there would be no direct travel routes to their home based studio. Their studio is based in an obscure town fairly far from York and when I looked further into travel routes and costs it seemed like it was going to be difficult. I contacted the studio asking if I could do a two-day studio visit and they didn't get back in touch. However, I will be in further contact with the studio in Summer and hopefully do a placement with them then.

I also had contact with Qualia, who did not have room for an intern but asked if I could send them my CV and pictures of my work after graduation - giving me a potential contact for the future.

Qualia's work for York Castle Museum

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